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Lobbying your MP

We would love your help with systematically lobbying Parliament. Having discussed the previous and long-term hard work by our grandparent colleagues with them, we agree a new approach is required.


Recognising the priority and importance that children and young people hold in UK society, we plan to develop MPs' awareness of our grandchildren's situations as an explicit focus of our campaign. Especially in the context of a current children and young people's mental health crisis.


Each 6 weeks, we will ask you to write to your MP using the campaign-specific bullet points in provided in our lobbying pack. You can find your MP's email and correspondence details here


Please add your typology(ies) and some aspects of your own family story to the bullet points so that your MP can see how it affects you as their constituent and more importantly your grandchildren. 


Then either email or post this to your MP, or send via WriteToThem, an online MP contact tool. 

Please send us a copy of your email, letter or message to your MP using the email address in our MP lobbying pack. We will then support you every 6 weeks with a new set of facts, figures and evidence on estranged and alienated grandchildren and their grandparents to send to your MP.


Your MP may not initially understand the issue - we know many people generally don't - but with regular 6-weekly contact full of further information provided in the pack, it will be hard for your MP to ignore the issues and impacts on grandchildren that you are raising.


We urge you, your family members, and the family professionals that support you to attend our webinars to become increasingly knowledgeable about aspects of estrangement and alienation in relation to our grandchildren and ourselves. See our note below on privacy.


Please sign up here asking for the MP lobbying pack. 


Thank you. 





Correspondence between a constituent and MP is confidential: your adult child, Cafcass officer, family mediator, lawyer or tech-savvy son-in-law for example cannot access nor request this correspondence.


Please do not send us any parts of your letter you feel is confidential, sub judice, or you would prefer not to share with us.


Constituents may also expect that information they provide to their MP will be treated as confidential.’ ICO, 2024

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